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dc.contributor.authorCabanova, M.-
dc.identifier.citationПсихологический Vademecum: Витебщина Л. С. Выготского : сборник научных статей. – Витебск : ВГУ имени П. М. Машерова, 2016. – С. 270-282. – Библиогр.: с. 279-282 (53 назв.).-ru_RU
dc.description.abstractСтатья посвящена инклюзивному образованию = The study deals theoretical outputs over the field about knowledge and pre-concepts of children on the threshold of education. The aim of authors is to accent the need to search hidden world of current generation of young learners. Outcomes of the research would be important for primary and pre-primary teachers, because there is necessary to actualise traditional theories about children. A lot of situation in daily educational practice use do give inspiration for teacher´s reaction. The issue of pedagogical diagnosing of the pupil is currently in the educational reality a highly topical issue. Trend of inclusive education and education of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools education is also placed increased demands for diagnosing pupils. Based on the research conducted, it appears that not only the knowledge is important. Several authors emphasize the attitudes of teachers as a critical component in ensuring the successful inclusion of pupils with special educational needs. In the theoretical study author pays attention to research to explore attitudes towards inclusive education with student teachers and primary school teachers. It highlights the importance of developing proinkluzívnych attitudes among pre-service teachers and also in continuous education.ru_RU
dc.publisherВитебск : ВГУ имени П.М. Машероваru_RU
dc.subjectдети с ограниченными возможностямиru_RU
dc.subjectинклюзивное образованиеru_RU
dc.subjectспециальное образованиеru_RU
dc.subjectpupil with special educational needsru_RU
dc.subjectteacher´s attitudesru_RU
dc.titleMoznosti identifikacie ziakov so specialnymi vychovnovzdelavacimi potrebami na prahu vzdelavania a postoje ucitelovru_RU
dc.title.alternativeThe ability to identify pupils with special educational needs at the threshold of education and teachers' attitudesru_RU
Appears in Collections:Психологический Vademecum: Витебщина Л. С. Выготского : сборник научных статей / под ред. С. Л. Богомаза, В. А. Каратерзи. – Витебск : ВГУ имени П. М. Машерова, 2016. – 299, [1] с.

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