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Title: Модульная система обучения как средство развития творческого потенциала учащихся-взрослых (в условиях вечерних школ Республики Беларусь)
Authors: Шкетик, Е. В.
Keywords: вечерние школы
модульная система обучения
творческий потенциал
индивидуальный темп обучения
взрослые учащиеся
evening schools
module system of teaching
creative potential
adult students of evening schools
self determination
self expression
individual tempo
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Установа адукацыі "Віцебскі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт імя П.М. Машэрава"
Citation: Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. – 2013. – № 1 (73). – С. 101-106. – Библиогр.: с. 106 (3 назв.).
Abstract: В данной статье раскрываются особенности модульной системы обучения как средства развития творческого по-тенциала учащихся-взрослых в условиях вечерних школ Республики Беларусь, рассматриваются способы включения уча-щихся в активный самостоятельный процесс учения = Features of module system of teaching as a means development of the creative potential of adult students in the conditions of evening schools of Belarus are descibed in the article; ways of including students into active independent process of learning are considerd. Accent is made on the fact that it is the creative potential that allows different type school leavers, evening school leavers including, to adapt to quickly changing social conditions, find their way in the expanding information space. Components of the creative potential are considered as well as ways and methods, which promote getting knowledge of comprehensive character, provide conditions for self determination and self expression in the individual creative activity, increase motivation, active performance and self sufficiency of the education process participants. Module system of teaching is said to be able to minimize stress conditions of adult students of evening schools during training due to the reliance on individual tempo of study and cognitive activity.
ISSN: 2074-8566
Appears in Collections:2013, №1(73)

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