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Title: Применение экстракта куколок дубового шелкопряда как метод коррекции инсулинорезистентности
Authors: Балаева-Тихомирова, О. М.
Keywords: инсулинорезистентность
сыворотка крови
экстракт куколок дубового шелкопряда
insulin resistance
extract of oak silkworm pupae
Issue Date: 20-Feb-2013
Publisher: Установа адукацыі "Віцебскі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт імя П.М. Машэрава"
Citation: Балаева-Тихомирова, О. М. Применение экстракта куколок дубового шелкопряда как метод коррекции инсулинорезистентности[Текст] / О. М. Балаева-Тихомирова ; О. М. Балаева-Тихомирова // Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. – 2013. – № 1 (73). – С. 38-44. – Библиогр.: с. 44(11 назв.). – ил.
Abstract: В работе исследована эффективность применения экстракта куколок дубового шелкопряда для коррекции инсулинорезистентности = We have studied the efficacy of the extract of oak silkworm pupae to correct insulin resistance, as current treatment regimen of insulin resistance are not sufficiently successful, and are mainly the regulation of body weight and the use of drugs that increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin and affect lipid metabolism. It is stated for the first time that while modeling rat insulin resistance hormone (content of insulin, tumor necrosis factors-α, corticosteron and adiponectin) and metabolic (hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypo-alphacholesterolemia) indicators of serum are accompanied by the development of steatosis together with the increase free-radical oxidation. For the first time appli-cation of extract of oak silkworm pupae at the development of insulin resistance and hypercholesterole is bioghemically grounded. The data obtained can be used while creating medical remedies for prophylaxis and treatment of insulin resistance, as well as for the improvement of diagnosis methods of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance.
Appears in Collections:2013, №1(73)

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