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Title: Сукцессионные процессы в ландшафтах юго-востока Беларуси
Other Titles: Succession processes in landscapes of the southeast of Belarus: the analysis of supervision on test plots
Authors: Гусев, А. П.
Keywords: Беларусь
видовой состав
сукцессионный статус
species structure
succession status
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Установа адукацыі "Віцебскі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт імя П.М. Машэрава"
Citation: Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. – 2012. – № 2 (68). – С. 33-37. – Библиогр.: с. 37 (10 назв.).
Abstract: В статье приводятся результаты исследования закономерностей сукцессионных процессов в ландшафтах юго-востока Беларуси на основании наблюдений на постоянных пробных площадях. Постоянные пробные площади располагались в различных экотопах - нарушенные земли и лесные экосистемы. = A study of succession processes has great value for the assessment of stability of natural ecosystems. In the present work research findings of laws of succession processes in landscapes of the southeast of Belarus on the basis of supervision on the test plots are presented. The test plots were located in various ecotops: the broken earths and wood ecosystems (pine woods, broad-leaved woods, small-leaved woods). It is established that the speed of change on a succession gradient of specific structure is non-uniform: species structure changes most quickly in the first years of succession; while starting from the meadow stage, relative stabilization of species structure takes place. The correlation analysis has shown authentic link of characteristics of vegetation and time from the beginning of succession. Duration of existence of communities in this or that succession status is established: A-status communities exist 1–2 years; B-status communities exist on the average 4 years; L-status communities exist up to 5–6 years. In absence of anthropogenic disturbances, in 9–10 years after the beginning of succession, the meadow stage is replaced by the stage of early successional woods.
ISSN: 2074-8566
Appears in Collections:2012, №2(68)

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