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Title: Lattices of partially local fitting classes
Authors: Zalesskaya, E. N.
Vorob’еv, N. N.
Keywords: lattice of Fitting classes
ω-local Fitting class
Lockett class
Lockett section
Lockett’s conjecture
Fitting classes
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд)
Citation: Zalesskaya, E. N. Lattices of partially local fitting classes / E. N. Zalesskaya, N. N. Vorob’еv // Siberian Mathematical Journal. – 2009. – Vol. 50, № 6. – Р. 1038–1044.
Series/Report no.: Siberian Mathematical Journal;Vol. 50, № 6
Abstract: This article deals only with finite groups. We prove the surjectivity of the mapping from the lattice of all normal Fitting classes into the lattice of the Lockett section generated by the Fitting classes that are not Lockett classes. Moreover, we find a sufficient surjectivity condition for the mapping of the lattice of the Lockett section generated by arbitrary Fitting classes into the lattice of the Lockett section generated by ω-local Fitting classes. This confirms Lockett’s conjecture for the ω-local Fitting classes of a given characteristic.
ISSN: 0037-4466
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации (2009)

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