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Showing results 1254 to 1273 of 39224 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
113-114.pdf.jpg2019Tale and reality in P. Travers’ books about Mary PoppinsHallyyeva, G.
котлан.pdf.jpg2009Taxation, human capital and economic growthKotlan, Igor; Pavel, Petr
Taxonomic composition and species diversity of insect assemblages_2017.pdf.jpg2017Taxonomic composition and species diversity of insect assemblages in grass–shrub cover of peat bogs in BelarusSushko, G. G.
10-11.pdf.jpg2020Taxonomic structure of the flora of the field practice area in Ulanovichi villageAmanov, S.
128-129.pdf.jpg2023Teacher-student interaction in brass lessonsNiu Ran; Sudnik, K. V. , scientific supervisor
194-196.pdf.jpg2019Teaching discussion skills in foreign language classesAzarchenko, G.
153-156.pdf.jpg2020Teaching English Grammar: Effective Ways and ApproachesOsipova, O. P.; Osipov, A. V.
133-135.pdf.jpg2020Teaching English vocabulary to university studentsTayyrova, M.
143-145.pdf.jpg2018Teaching ESP reading to master’s degree studentsAtaeva, M.
233-234.pdf.jpg2019Teaching foreign language grammar on the basis of the communicative approachSokol, K.
182-184.pdf.jpg2021Teaching foreign language monologue on the basis of contents supportsUgorenko, K.
188-190.pdf.jpg2022Teaching methods specifics from the perspective of visual modelling applicationGulis, A.; Baguzova, A.
79-81.pdf.jpg2018Teaching read at secondary schoolChernyak, K. S.
118-120.pdf.jpg2017Teaching the culture of humanistic relationships to the youth on the basis of toleranceStoliarenko, H. V.; Stoliarenko, O. V.
Teaching undergraduates.pdf.jpg2021Teaching undergraduates to edit human-aided machine translationsКажекина, Л. В.
137-139.pdf.jpg2023Technical possibilities of caprice no. 24 by Niccolo PaganiniZhang Haihui; Sused-Vilichynskaya, Yu. S., scientific supervisor
298-299.pdf.jpg2022Technology of project-based learning as a means of activating students cognitive activityKarpova, Y.
409-410.pdf.jpg2021Television of Vitebsk University as a tool for the formation of the media space of the Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov and competences of student youth in the field mass communicationsHerhayeu, A. R.
97-100.pdf.jpg2019Tendencies of internet-poetry in the works of Gary TurkBorbachenko, D.
280-284.pdf.jpg2018Terapia pedagogiczna uczniow dyslektycznych i jej skutecznoscKalicinska, Urszula
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