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2303.13142.pdf.jpg2023Hadamard and Vandermonde determinants and Ber-noulli – Euler – Lagrange – Aitken – Nikiporets type numerical method for roots of polynomialsChernyavskij, M. M.; Lebedev, A. V.; Trubnikov, Yu. V.
Algebra and discrete mathematics_2010_V. 9_01.pdf.jpg2010Hall operators on the set of formations of finite groupsMekhovich, A. P.; Vorob`ev, N. N.; Vorob`ev, N. T.
76-78.pdf.jpg2019Halloween and the feast of Ivan Kupala: similarities and differencesKuksenok, O.
Hartley Sets and Injectors of a Finite Group_ознакомительный фрагмент.pdf.jpg2019Hartley Sets and Injectors of a Finite GroupVorob’ev, N. T.; Karaulova, T. B.
4_5_h7217235.pdf.jpg2016Health = ЗдоровьеКовальская, М. П.
277-281.pdf.jpg2021Healthy lifestyle of young people as an actual problem of socializationAndrushchenko, N. Y.; Han, Julin
Heteroptera_2016.pdf.jpg2016Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) of the peat bogs of Belarusian LakelandSushko, G. G.
Исторический факультет 23.02.17.pdf.jpg2017-02-23HISTORIA CREATUR FUTURUMКосмач, В. А.
Historia creatur futurum 24.02.18.pdf.jpg2018-02-24Historia creatur futurumКосмач, В. А.
142-144.pdf.jpg2019Historical and legal views about the image of the Perfect ruler in Visigothic Spain in VI-VII centuries a. d.Сайбеков, М. Г.
235-237.pdf.jpg2021Historical aspects of the formation of the school of playing the pipaFeng Xiaoyin
281-284.pdf.jpg2019History and features of the curator project organization "Days of art of Latvia in Vitebsk"Frolova, I.
81-82.pdf.jpg2018History of creation of the book fund of the scientific library of Vitebsk state University named after P. M. MasherovTrofimova, M.
324-326.pdf.jpg2019History of development and formation of Belarusian lawyersNovik, M.
230-232.pdf.jpg2023History of training professional photographers in people's republic of ChinaLuo Yangbin; Marinenko, Olga, scientific supervisor
Vogt Michaela.pdf.jpg2014Hochbegabung als tell des Inklusiven Gedankens – eine PerspektiverweiterungVogt, M.
78-79.pdf.jpg2019Horoscopes: reality or just wishful thinkingLos, O.; Furmanenko, S.
03_temirgazina_05.06.2023.pdf.jpg2023How Men Court and Women Flirt: Reconstruction of Cultural Scripts on the Material of Russian VerbsTemirgazina, Z.; Sinyachkin, V.; Nikolayenko, S.
Human_rights_in_the_age_of_digitalization.pdf.jpg2012Human rights in the age of digitalizationTchinaryan, E. O.; Kuchenin, E. S.; Slesarev, V. L.; Ryzhik, A. V.
90-93.pdf.jpg2023Humour, powerfull and compellihg words tactics in implementing advertising strategies using materials from Belarus, Egypt, and The UKMounir, A. S.; Nikolaenko, S. V., scientific adviser
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