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Title: Hartley Sets and Injectors of a Finite Group
Authors: Vorob’ev, N. T.
Karaulova, T. B.
Keywords: finite group
Fitting set
π-solvable group
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Mathematical Notes, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
Citation: Vorob`ev, N. T. Hartley sets and injectors of a finite group / N. T. Vorob`ev, T. B. Karaulova // Mathematical Notes. – 2019. – Vol. 105, № 1-2. – Р. 204–215.
Abstract: By a Fitting set of a group G one means a nonempty set of subgroups F of a finite group G which is closed under taking normal subgroups, their products, and conjugations of subgroups. In the present paper, the existence and conjugacy of F-injectors of a partially π-solvable group G is proved and the structure of F-injectors is described for the case in which F is a Hartley set of G.
ISSN: 0001-4346
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации (2019)

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