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dc.contributor.authorЧиркин, А. А.-
dc.contributor.authorКоваленко, Е. И.-
dc.contributor.authorЗайцев, В. В.-
dc.identifier.citationВеснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. – 2012. – № 2 (68). – С. 24-28. – Библиогр.: с. 28 (9 назв.).ru_RU
dc.description.abstractВ статье представлены данные о влиянии гомогената расплода пчел на активность нейтрофильных лейкоцитов. Полученные данные свидетельствуют в пользу того, что гомогенат расплода пчел может быть использован в качестве противоспалительного средства для снижения вторичного повреждения тканей активированными нейтрофильными лейкоцитами и секретируемыми ими пероксидами и активными метаболитами кислорода. = The paper presents data on the affect of the homogenate of bee brood on the activity of neutrophils. We investigated: 1) the formation of neutrophils active oxygen metabolites, with the participation of NADPH oxidase, 2) myeloperoxidase activity, and 3) the rate of oxidative processes catalyzed by peroxidases. Neutrophils were isolated from blood of healthy donors by density gradient separation in Ficoll-Urografin. Determination of the generation intensity of reactive oxygen metabolites by cells was performed by chemiluminescence method using luminol to register the total activity of NADPH oxidase and myeloperoxidase or using lucigenin to assess the generation of •O2– at activation of NADPH oxidase. It is established that the homogenate of bee brood has an inhibitory affect on the oxidation processes in a system containing isolated peroxidase, as well as in a system containing activated neutrophils. The effectiveness of the drug in relation to free peroxidase is manifolds higher than the efficiency of inhibition of neutrophil leukocytes. Significant inhibitory effect on cells is displayed at concentrations of the drug from 1 mkl / ml and higher. The obtained data testify to the fact that homogenate of bee brood can be used as anti-inflammatory drug to reduce secondary tissue damage by activated neutrophils and their secreted peroxidases and active metabolites of oxygen.ru_RU
dc.publisherУстанова адукацыі "Віцебскі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт імя П.М. Машэрава"ru_RU
dc.subjectобщая биохимияru_RU
dc.subjectрасплод пчелru_RU
dc.subjectпротивовоспалительные средстваru_RU
dc.subjectнейтрофильные лейкоцитыru_RU
dc.subjectbee broodru_RU
dc.subjectanti-inflammatory effect.ru_RU
dc.subjectantioxidant effectru_RU
dc.titleАнтиоксидантное действие гомогената расплода пчелru_RU
dc.title.alternativeAntioxidant affect of homogenate of bee broodru_RU
Appears in Collections:2012, №2(68)

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