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Title: Праблемна-тэматычная i жанрава-стылёвая полiфанiчнасць у раманах Вiктара Марцiновiча
Other Titles: Problem – thematic and genre – stylistic poliphony in viktar martsinovich’s novels
Authors: Навасельцава, Г. В.
Keywords: novel
art form
genre-style distinctiveness
“I”-narrative strategy
novel organization
philosophical concept.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Copyright by Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Białystok
Citation: Навасельцава, Г. В. Праблемна-тэматычная i жанрава-стылёвая полiфанiчнасць у раманах Вiктара Марцiновiча / Г. В. Навасельцава // Białorutenistyka Białostocka. – Białostok, 2021. – T. 13. – C. 237–248. – DOI: 10.15290/bb.2021.13.16.
Abstract: Viktar Martsinovich’s novels reveal the aesthetic searches conducted in modern Belarusian literature. In the work “Sphagnum” the classical form of the social novel is originally reproduced, where various representatives of the society are convincingly shown in colorful images-types. The novels “Lake of Joy” and “Revolution” reveal first of all the psychological reflection of main characters, who act as symbolic incarnations of the spiritual aspirations of our time. Novels with assessments of psychological anti-utopia “Language” and “Night” represent the author’s prediction of the loss of national identity and spiritual literary tradition.
ISSN: 2081-2515
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации (2021)

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