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Title: Leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) in the pristine peat bog in Belarus: biodiversity and spatial distribution
Authors: Sushko, G. G.
Keywords: assemblages
peat bog
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: University of Oradea Publishing House
Citation: Sushko, G. G. Leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) in the pristine peat bog in Belarus: biodiversity and spatial distribution / Sushko G.G. // North-Western Journal of Zoology. – 2020. – Volume 16, Issue 2. – P. 211–215.
Series/Report no.: North-Western Journal of Zoology;Volume 16, Issue 2.
Abstract: Pristine peat bogs have a large area in Belarus compared to other Central European countries. Accordingly, ancient and almost intact Belarusian peatlands are valuable for the synecological investigations. The goal of this study was to assess the diversity of leaf beetles in seven main peat bog habitats and to examine environmental factors affecting them. In total, 44 leaf beetles’ species were recorded. The results showed a low diversity, evenness and species’ richness of Chrysomelidae. The lagg zone and sites covered by scrubs, excluding dome, support higher alpha diversity. Beta diversity analysis revealed a clear separation among the leaf beetles’ assemblages of the seven habitats. The primary differences in the assemblages reflect the presence of species trophically associated with sedges (Plateumaris discolor) and ericaceous dwarf scrubs (Lochmaea suturalis, Altica longicollis, Cryptocephalus labiatus). Moreover, the modelling results (GLM) indicated that a scrub cover strongly influenced leaf beetle species’ richness and abundance/
ISSN: 1584-9074
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации (2020)

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