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Showing results 1136 to 1155 of 41028 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
68-70.pdf.jpg2017Racialised urbanity in american literatureErshova, E.
1988_43_02.pdf.jpg1988Radical classes of finite groups with the Lockett conditionVorob`ev, N. T.
135-138.pdf.jpg2019Reading as an indicator of the English national characterLazakovich, E.
66-69.pdf.jpg2024Realisation of the algorithm of division of a line segment into equal segmentsWang Wenfeng; Buyevich, A. Е., scientific supervisor
121-124.pdf.jpg2021Realization of speech strategies in digital mediaSafonova, I.
307-309.pdf.jpg2021Reasons and conditions influencing the neglect of minorityLapekho, A.
321-322.pdf.jpg2023Reasons and directions for the flourishing of Chinese realistic oil painting in contemporary timesHuang Bo; Tsybulsky, M. L., scientific supervisor
272.pdf.jpg2024Reasons for low physical preparation of vocational and technical college studentsLi Anhao
365-367.pdf.jpg2022Reasons for the end of a sports careerAfanasyeva, Z.
Reconstruction of the Genesis of Faunal Assemblages of Insects.pdf.jpg2019Reconstruction of the Genesis of Faunal Assemblages of Insects (Insecta, Ectognatha) of the Raised Bogs of the Belarusian LakelandSushko, G. G.
116-119.pdf.jpg2024Record and reflection of humanistic and art photography in urban changesLin, Jiali; Lollini, A. D., scientific adviser
189-190.pdf.jpg2021Reduplication as effective method of word formation in modern EnglishKovalenko, A. V.; Trofimova, Y. E.
121-123.pdf.jpg2019Reflection of naturalism in G. Hauptmann’s worksKoltsova, K.
100-102.pdf.jpg2019Reflection of the problems of parental abusive in modern literatureBulash, N.
Diel I..pdf.jpg2014Reframing als Methode in der psychologisch-padagogischen Forderung zur Unterstutzung von Begabungtn und KreativitatDiel, I.
Regional analysis of the occurrence.pdf.jpg2022Regional analysis of the occurrence and spread of engineering-geological processes in the Republic of BelarusGalkin, A. N.; Krasovskaya, I. A.; Pavlovsky, A. I.; Shershnev, O. V.; Галкин, А. Н.; Красовская, И. А.; Павловский, А. И.; Шершнёв, О. В.
293-295.pdf.jpg2020Regional aspect of the destination of tourist interestYankevich, E. M.
84-86.pdf.jpg2019Regional methodical center of folk art as a social and cultural partner in the formation of value attitude to the familySiomkina, I.
74-77.pdf.jpg2022Regression of civilization: postmodern, the new ignoranceand modern stone ageNazriev, K.
276-278.pdf.jpg2018Relation of sustainable and labile indicators of body composition sportsmen high qualifications cyclic species sportAltani, M.
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