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Showing results 44 to 63 of 39225 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
502-503.pdf.jpg2022A brief analysis of the history and development of the Chinese musical instrument guzhengZeng Hui; Medvetsky, А. V.
334-336.pdf.jpg2024A classroom strategy to improve the basic music ability of first-gradersSun Yang
148-152.pdf.jpg2022A comparative study on advertising definitions in English and ArabicMounir, A. S.
390-391.pdf.jpg2022A complex of pedagogical conditions for effective functioning and formation of students' readiness for childbearing in physical education classesVenskovich, D.
29-31.pdf.jpg2017A content of glucose in hemolimph of pulmonary freshwater molluscs with influence of zinc and lead sulphates (II)Chikindina, A.; Erokhina, E.
1983_34_02.pdf.jpg1983A criterion for the locality of formation productsVorob`ev, N. T.
Mikelsone I., Grava J..pdf.jpg2014A holistic understanding of creativity development in human life cyclesMikelsone, I.; Grava, J.
103-105.pdf.jpg2023A lingvocultural gap between characters as a driving force of dialogue development (based on M. Bartlett's play "Artefacts")Tolkacheva, K.; Zaitseva, I. P., scientific adviser
136-138.pdf.jpg2018A modern interpretation of the image of a Victorian womanYuchkovich, L.
261-263.pdf.jpg2022A modern reading of the literary works of L.I. Ginzburg (Lagin)Mikhailouskaya, A.
A new species of the genus Pseudotaphoxenus from Kazakhstan.pdf.jpg2016A new species of the genus Pseudotaphoxenus from Kazakhstan (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Sphodrini)Kabak, I. I.; Solodovnikov, I. A.; Кабак, И. И.; Солодовников, И. А.
A note on compact elements of the lattice.pdf.jpg2015A note on compact elements of the lattice of solubly saturated formationsVorob`ev, N. N.
A POWER SUPPLY UNIT FOR DISCHARGING THE PLASMA ELECTRON SOURCE_2006.pdf.jpg2006A Power Supply Unit for Discharging the Plasma Electron SourceAntonovich, D. A.; Gruzdev, V. A.; Zalesskii, V. G.; Rusetskii, I. S.
291-293.pdf.jpg2018A role of physical culture is in educational and uneducational activity of schoolchildrenMironov, A.
103-104.pdf.jpg2022A small person's value orientations in "The anti-leader" story by V.S. MakaninAlekseyevich, Y.
327-330.pdf.jpg2021A study on needs of parents rearing children with disabilitiesBusel-Kuchinskaya, E. N.; Guo, Wenjuan
296-297.pdf.jpg2023A study on the communication turn and its guidance of youth subculture on the InternetLi Hanmei; Sui Tianyuan
209-211.pdf.jpg2021A teenager as an object of social and pedagogical workLinkova, A.; Skuratovich, K.
59-62.pdf.jpg2019About distribution of alien species of the genus Otiorhynchus Germar, 1822 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Entiminae) in Vitebsk and its vicinitiesSolodovnikova, A.
225-226.pdf.jpg2021About some development trends of popular music in ChinaLi Qingbo
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