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Showing results 942 to 961 of 39208 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
241-242.pdf.jpg2021Painters and scenographers of puppet theatres of the twenty-first century BelarusGorolevich, T.
201-202.pdf.jpg2020Papercraft – masterpieces from paperBudzik, N.
267-268.pdf.jpg2019Participation of the Republic of Belarus in international customs cooperationОмельянович, А. А.
348-350.pdf.jpg2022Particular qualities of international cargo transportation in the Republic of BelarusPogartseva, E.
Матэматыка 4 1999.pdf.jpg1996-04Paзвитиe мышлeния учaщиxcя при обучении алгебре (на примере темы "Квадратные уравнения")Ананченко, К. О.
193-196.pdf.jpg2021Peculiarities of fire safety rules education of people with mental disabilitiesDulebova, K.; Garchenok, P.
168-169.pdf.jpg2023Peculiarities of formation of skills of speech culture in children of senior preschool ageBumazhenko, A. L.
203-204.pdf.jpg2018Peculiarities of implementation of missile on impurity, sample and speech instructions study of second section of the subsidiary schoolKukharenko, T. S.
159-161.pdf.jpg2017Peculiarities of manifestations of anxiety and fear in autismBelyakova, A.
346-349.pdf.jpg2024Peculiarities of music education of school students in ChinaYang Qinglin
180-182.pdf.jpg2021Peculiarities of nonverbal means of communication in the COVID pandemicTserakh, O.
97-99.pdf.jpg2017Peculiarities of the English pressTarasevich, M.
318-320.pdf.jpg2022Peculiarities of the legal regulation of status of pets in european countriesChernyavskaya, D.
74-75.pdf.jpg2017Peculiarities of the northern dialect of the French language on the material of the film «Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis»Kamenetskaya, V.
119-121.pdf.jpg2018Peculiarities of translation of proper names from English into Russian (through the example of 'Harry Potter' by J. K. Rowling)Nenyuk, K.
215-217.pdf.jpg2021Peculiarities of victimization of students with intellectual insufficiencyMuravitskaya, D.
Slabin U Pedagogical conditions.pdf.jpg2000Pedagogical conditions of design and application of computer programs as means of environmental education of senior pupils (on natural subjects material)Slabin, U.
336-341.pdf.jpg2021Pedagogical culture of parents as a condition for successful interaction of the educational institution with the familyZhou, Feifei
342-346.pdf.jpg2024Pedagogical foundations of the content and implementation of the music education program for schoolchildren in ChinaXu Han
194-195.pdf.jpg2021Pedagogical innovations as a factor of self actualization of the student's motivation sphereMartsinovich, L. I.
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