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Showing results 676 to 695 of 39208 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
37-41.pdf.jpg2021L'evaluation de la litterature a l'aune de la visee ethique: retour de la moraleTigourdi, S.
26-31.pdf.jpg2021La decouverte des aspects interculturels de la civilisation francaise via la bd educativeKouptsova, V. O.; Prachkevich, А. А.
38.pdf.jpg2021La francophonie comme la diversite des langues, des cultures et des nationsIgnatik, A.
Ежегодник 2021. Целый..pdf.jpg2021La langue francaise au Belarus-
21-22.pdf.jpg2021La lecture et son roleProkhorenkova, E.
23-26.pdf.jpg2021La lecture litteraire et ses exploitations pedagogiques possibles dans l'enseignement du FLE selon une perspective actionnelleJupy, B.
29-33.pdf.jpg2019La semiotique de la resolution des conflitsSaladounikava T. V.
6-8.pdf.jpg2022Lambda Architecture для корпоративного "Озера данных"Безворотных, А. В.; Кузьмич, Р. И.
4-5.pdf.jpg2018Laser engraving machines modeling. Control problemsBiryukova, D.; Shidlowsky, A.
LATTICES OF COMPOSITION FORMATIONS OF FINITE GROUPS AND THE LAWS.pdf.jpg2018Lattices of composition formations of finite groups and the lawsTsarev, A. A.; Vorob`ev, N. N.
Lattices of partially local fitting classes.pdf.jpg2009Lattices of partially local fitting classesZalesskaya, E. N.; Vorob’еv, N. N.
318-320.pdf.jpg2021Law enforcement system: concept and contentShishkovich, A.
Laws of the lattices of partially composition formations.pdf.jpg2011Laws of the lattices of partially composition formationsVorob`ev, N. N.; Tsarev, A. A.; Skiba, A. N.
Leaf beetles Coleoptera _2020.pdf.jpg2020Leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) in the pristine peat bog in Belarus: biodiversity and spatial distributionSushko, G. G.
334-336.pdf.jpg2024Learning "green" English as a way of adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle by BelarusiansMalofejchick, P. I.; Romanovitch, N. N., scientific supervisor
106-109.pdf.jpg2021Learning idioms as an effective way to broaden students' vocabulary in englishFominova, A.
295-297.pdf.jpg2019Learning methods aimed at formation by students of painting visionSarakovskaya, N.
265-267.pdf.jpg2020Legal basic principles regulation of the online space in the national cyber security strategies in the EU countriesMazurtsova, D.
332-334.pdf.jpg2019Legal culture of modern societyShibanova, Y.
292-294.pdf.jpg2021Legal framework for countering terrorism in the UKBurak, A.
OpenAIRE OpenDOAR base search roar worldcat core road road
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