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Showing results 525 to 544 of 39208 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
276-278.pdf.jpg2019Game element drink label designZimnitskaya, A.; Bobrova, A.
130-131.pdf.jpg2023Game technologies in teaching geography: a systematic approachSokolova, E. A.; Petrov, A. Yu., scientific supervisor
GAS DISCHARGE PLASMA DISTURBANCE_усеченный.pdf.jpg2006Gas discharge plasma disturbance by electron extractioGruzdev, V. A.; Zalesski, V. G.; Antonovich, D. A.
известия гомельского ун_та_2000_03.pdf.jpg2000Gaschutzs local method in the theory of fitting classes of fifnite soluble groupsVorob`ev, N. T.
327-329.pdf.jpg2019Gender aspects of the guiding principles on business and human rightsRebitskaya, K.
80-82.pdf.jpg2017General characteristic of the pedagogical model of the formation of future engineers' professional self-consciousnessKorsun, Y. O.
308-310.pdf.jpg2019General regulations of the weapons legislation of the Republic of BelarusDorozhko, I.
36-37.pdf.jpg2018Generative reproduction of male kisil in culture in northeast BelarusIvanova, D.
281-283.pdf.jpg2022Genesis of the development of the Chinese symphonyWu Jun
125-128.pdf.jpg2020Genre traditions of the post-apocalyptic novel based on the work of V. V. Martinovich “Night”Savitskaya, A.
8-9.pdf.jpg2022GeoGebra - приложение для изучения математикиГаджиева, Ф. С.; Молодечкин, Н. А.; Ализарчик, Л. Л.
6-8.pdf.jpg2021Geogebra application as a tool for organizing pupils' research activitiesGadzhieva, F.; Molodechkin, N.
363-364.pdf.jpg2022Geography of crime in the structure of criminological knowledgeYurevich, D.
N.L. Yakovenko.pdf.jpg2015Global challenge of the Russia-Ukraine conflictYakovenko, N. L.
23-27.pdf.jpg2023Global trends in the reform of vocational education in foreign countriesTeterina, V. V.; Zhu, Jia
154-155.pdf.jpg2017Graphic training of pupils in the system of additional educationSokolovskaya, K.
68-70.pdf.jpg2022Greek phrases in liturgical texts of the Russian orthodox churchDahodzka, K.
260-262.pdf.jpg2019"Green technologies" in the architectural-landscape organization of the environmentLobacheva, K.
34-36.pdf.jpg2022"Green" student audienceDargel, V.; Zavora, A.
121420L.pdf.jpg2022Growth and spectroscopy of Er3+-doped Na5Y9F32 (5NaF∙9YF3) crystalBasyrovaa, L.; Loikoa, P.; Doualana, Jean-Louis; Benayada, A.; Ghassen Zin Elabedineb; Rosa Maria Soléb; Aguilób, M.; Díazb, F.; Mateosb, X.; Duninac, E.; Kornienko, A.; Brauda, A.; Labbéa, C.; Camya, P.
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