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Showing results 162 to 181 of 39224 < previous   next >
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276-278.pdf.jpg2022Barrier-free communication environment as a condition for learning the basics of life safety of persons with mental disabilitiesTsaplina, E.; Shved, D.
228-230.pdf.jpg2018Basic legal principles of crime prevention in the Republic of Belarus and Turkmenistan: comparative analysisBabayeva, M.
243-245.pdf.jpg2019Bathroom accessories designAntukh, Y.
14-20.pdf.jpg2021Bd les GauloisПрашкевич, А. А.
Beetles Coleoptera of raised bogs in north-western Belarus Belarusian Land OLakes_2007.pdf.jpg2007Beetles (Coleoptera) of Raised Bogs in North-Western Belarus (Belarusian Land O'Lakes)Sushko, G. G.
337-339.pdf.jpg2022Beijing rules as an international standard for the treatment of juvenile delinquentsKuten, A.
314-316.pdf.jpg2020Belarusian folklore as a component of junior schoolchldren’s musical culture formationGuzova, V.
76-79.pdf.jpg2021Belarusian society in the era of digital transformationMamoshko, A.
82-84.pdf.jpg2017Belarusian-Polish-Russian-Latin Botanic dictionary as an important lexicographical work (for 125th anniversary since the birth of Zoska Veras)Pivavar, K.; Sojka, A.
247-250.pdf.jpg2020Bilinguism as a constitutional legal phenomenon in the Republic of BelarusKhrenkova, D.
Балаева-Тихомирова.pdf.jpg2021Biochemical features of oxidative stress development and search ways of its correctionBalaeva-Tikhomirova, O.; Volodko, A.; Fomicheva, N.; Rumyantseva, O.; Sidorova, T.
69-71.pdf.jpg2019Biochemical indicators of pulmonary freshwater mollusks of the Vitba river in the Vitebsk districtVolodko, A.; Sheleg, N.
49-51.pdf.jpg2019Biochemical parameters of pulmonary freshwater molluscs lake Sennenskoye of the Sennensky regionLatysheva, O.; Zakirova, J.
33-34.pdf.jpg2022Bioindication of the condition of the countryside with the help of the test "Fluctuated leaf asymmetry"Buko, A.
196-198.pdf.jpg2020Biomymicry in designUtkina, E.
237-238.pdf.jpg2020Bitcoin как средство электронного платежаХуторова, М. Н.; Гурков, А. В.
189-191.pdf.jpg2020"Black square" as a source of plastic deformationsKukharenko, K.
343-344.pdf.jpg2024Body Language in Contemporary Theater PerformanceZhou Qingqing; Tsybulsky, M. L., scientific supervisor
302.pdf.jpg2018Body mass index of employees University named after P. M. MasherovaYastremskaya, M.; Polovkina, V.
Theory Comput Syst_2008_43.pdf.jpg2008Bounds on sizes of finite bisimulations of pfaffian dynamical systemsKorovina, M.; Vorobjov, N.
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