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Title: Высшая растительность озера Оптино
Authors: Мержвинский, Л. М.
Мартыненко, В. П.
Высоцкий, Ю. И.
Становая, Ю. Л.
Keywords: озера
водные растения
высшая растительность
Lake Optino
GIS technology
computer vector map
upper aquatic vegetation
landscape reserve
Issue Date: 20-Feb-2013
Publisher: Установа адукацыі "Віцебскі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт імя П.М. Машэрава"
Citation: Высшая растительность озера Оптино[Текст] / Л. М. Мержвинский [и др.] // Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. – 2013. – № 1 (73). – С. 50-57. – Библиогр.: с. 57(6 назв.). – ил., фот.
Abstract: В статье содержатся сведения о степени зарастания, продукции и продуктивности высшей растительности озера Оптино = The article contains data on the degree of growth, product and productivity of the upper vegetation of Lake Optino which is located in the north of Belarusian Lake District (Poozerye) in the Republican Landscape Reserve of Synsha. The lake upper vege-tation is made up by 14 vegetation associations and occupies the area of 22,2% of its aquatic area. The vegetation in the lake is located according to fragment and constant type. Only the strip of aero and aquatic plants is seen well, among which Phragmites australis associations prevail, and a strip of wide leave rhdests, the main builder of which is Potamogeton lucens. During the vegetation period plants of Lake Optino produce 85 g/m2 of absolutely dry substance or 34 g/m2 of organic carbon. Due to higher productivity of aero and aquatic vegetation it takes 60% of the whole substance which is produced in the lake by upper plants. An computer vector map of beach and aquatic vegetation of the lake is made up.
Appears in Collections:2013, №1(73)

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